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Gerard Lynch

LED, choosing the right solution for you!

Maybe you are one of the many people that has misinformation or no information when it comes to LED Lighting?

Is this you?

  • You have heard that LED saves €1000’s on Energy Bills but you don’t know how to get that benefit for your business?

  • Maybe you are one of the few that finally decided to try energy-saving LED light bulbs – only to find that the light it emitted was not adequate, didn’t produce light in the right direction, or didn’t last nearly as long as promised?

If any of these relate to you, you probably haven’t been speaking to the right people. Like all products, LEDs are being produced to a very high standard and unfortunately also to a very low standard.

Not all LEDs are created equal.

The label makes a difference! LEDs that have the EASi label save significant amounts of energy and money because we manufacture ourselves and thereby control the quality. The rated Burn Hours and the Quality of Light from our fittings are important to us as we stake our reputation on it. Most people who go shopping for an LED start by looking for the words “energy saving,” what they really need to be looking for is the EASi label.

Why shift to LEDs in the first place?

Making the shift to energy-efficient lighting offers big benefits – to the environment, to us and our families, and to your business.

  • If every industry changed its lighting we would save Billions on energy costs.

  • We would also prevent greenhouse gas emissions as LEDs are a terrific solution to climate change.

  • Most energy still comes from coal-burning power plants. Most LEDs use 70-90% less energy than a standard bulb, limiting the need to burn that much more coal.

  • LEDs also help reduce air pollution, making the air healthier to breathe for kids and others.

An added bonus is that LED technology is so efficient that a bulb can last as long as 10 years, thus reducing maintenance and manufacturing costs and the associated energy uses and emissions.

Want more information?

EASi have solutions for retrofitting and new installations and offer a Quality and Life Time warranty for all our products.

Contact Tel: +353 85 1419 518

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