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Gerard Lynch

CEO Message

“When you help others achieve their goals, you will achieve yours”

Ever since we started our business in 1998, the fundamental guiding principle of helping others by understanding their needs has driven everything we have done, everything we have said, and everything we have achieved. It has helped us create win-win situations in all of our relationships, with our employees, our suppliers and most of all, our customers.

Moreover, helping others, is a way of going about our daily activities in EASi. We encourage it, reward it and practice it at every opportunity. It’s one of the reasons that EASi has become known as a caring responsible company. A company populated by people who care for colleagues, customers and partners.

And that is the benefit for everyone who comes into contact with EASi, because caring - being genuine and being reliable - breeds more than just business commitment. It breeds passion, belief and pride. And with these firmly rooted in our DNA, business excellence is an inevitable consequence.

Aidan MacDermott

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